Showing posts with label Converting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Converting. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Annulments: What They Are (and What They Aren’t)

For many Catholics, the word annulment stirs up confusion, concern, or even pain. There are countless misconceptions about what an annulment actually is and what it means for those involved. Some believe it’s just “Catholic divorce,” while others fear it invalidates an entire relationship. But the truth is much more nuanced, and understanding it can bring clarity and even healing.

What Is an Annulment?

At its core, an annulment (or a declaration of nullity) is a formal recognition by the Church that a valid sacramental marriage never existed—not because of what happened later, but because something essential was missing from the very beginning. While civil divorce acknowledges that a legal marriage is ending, an annulment is a deeper look at whether a true sacramental bond was ever present.

This distinction is crucial. The Church holds marriage as a lifelong covenant and presumes marriages are valid unless proven otherwise. An annulment does not deny that a real relationship existed or that children were born from it. Instead, it determines whether the marriage, at the moment of vows, met the necessary criteria to be considered sacramental and binding.

Why Would a Marriage Be Considered Invalid?

For a marriage to be valid in the eyes of the Church, certain elements must be in place from the very start. A tribunal (the Church court that evaluates annulment cases) looks for evidence of serious issues that prevented a valid sacramental marriage at the time of the wedding. Some of these issues include:

  • Lack of Informed Consent – One or both spouses did not fully understand or freely consent to marriage.
  • Psychological Incapacity – Mental illness, immaturity, or severe emotional wounds made one or both spouses incapable of fulfilling the obligations of marriage.
  • Grave Deception or Dishonesty – One spouse intentionally withheld critical information (such as an addiction, an unwillingness to have children, or prior marital commitments).
  • Lack of Intent for Permanence or Fidelity – If one or both spouses did not genuinely intend to commit to a lifelong, exclusive union, the sacrament may not have been valid.
  • Failure to Follow Canonical Form – If a Catholic marries outside the Church without proper permission, the marriage may not be valid.

It’s important to remember that annulments focus on what was present at the time of the wedding, not on what went wrong later. Struggles, sins, or failures during the marriage are not themselves grounds for annulment unless they point to a deeper issue that was present from the start.

What an Annulment Is NOT

Because annulments are often misunderstood, let’s clear up some common misconceptions:

  • An annulment does not mean a marriage “never happened.” It acknowledges that a civil and personal relationship existed but lacked the sacramental bond required for a valid marriage.
  • It does not make children “illegitimate.” The Church explicitly states that children born within an annulled marriage are still considered legitimate.
  • It is not a Catholic loophole for divorce. The annulment process is not about erasing a past relationship but rather about seeking truth and clarity regarding the sacrament of marriage.
  • It is not automatic or guaranteed. Every case is reviewed carefully, and not every marriage is found to be invalid.

How Does the Annulment Process Work?

The annulment process can vary in complexity depending on the circumstances. Generally, it follows these steps:

  1. Filing a Petition – One spouse (the petitioner) submits an application to the local diocesan tribunal, providing details about the marriage and why they believe it was invalid.
  2. Gathering Testimony & Evidence – Both spouses (if possible), along with witnesses, provide testimony about the marriage. Documents, correspondence, and expert opinions (such as from psychologists or priests) may also be included.
  3. Tribunal Investigation – The Church tribunal carefully examines all evidence, applying Canon Law to determine whether the marriage was sacramentally valid.
  4. Judgment & Decision – A panel of judges issues a decision. If an annulment is granted, it means the Church has found that a valid sacramental marriage never existed. If denied, the marriage is considered valid.
  5. Appeal (If Necessary) – If either party disagrees with the decision, they may appeal to a higher ecclesiastical court.

While annulments can take time—sometimes over a year—it’s important to approach the process with patience and openness. The Church is not looking to punish anyone but rather to seek truth and ensure the integrity of the sacrament of marriage.

Does an Annulment Mean My Marriage Was a Mistake?

This is one of the most difficult questions for many people. If a marriage is declared null, does that mean it was all for nothing? Absolutely not.

An annulment does not erase the love, growth, or experiences shared in a relationship. Even if the marriage was not sacramentally valid, it still shaped you, possibly brought children into the world, and was a significant chapter of your life. The Church recognizes the dignity and importance of each person’s journey, even when relationships do not turn out as expected.

For those who have gone through an annulment, healing takes time. But many find comfort in knowing that they are free to seek a true, sacramental marriage in the future if they feel called to do so.

Final Thoughts: A Path Toward Clarity and Healing

Annulments are not about judgment or punishment—they are about truth, clarity, and healing. The Church deeply values the sacrament of marriage and wants to ensure that every Catholic has the opportunity to live in a truly valid and grace-filled union.

If you or someone you love is considering an annulment, take heart. The process, while sometimes challenging, is ultimately about seeking God’s will and finding peace in His plan for your life. And no matter what, you are deeply loved and cherished in the eyes of God and His Church.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Catholic View of Justification: Faith, Works, and Grace Explained


For Those Seeking Truth: A Conversation, Not a Debate

If you’re a Protestant looking into the Catholic Church, I’ve been where you are. My husband and I were Bible college-educated Protestants, passionate about Scripture and deeply committed to the Gospel. We know how central justification is to Protestant theology, and we understand the concerns that arise when Catholics talk about faith, works, and grace.

This article isn’t about winning an argument. It’s about looking honestly at what Scripture teaches, what the Catholic Church actually believes, and why justification is not about "earning" salvation—but about receiving, cooperating with, and fully living out God’s grace.

Let’s walk through this together, Bible in hand.

1. Justification Is by Grace Alone—But Grace Is Transformational

Catholics wholeheartedly affirm what Scripture teaches: we are saved by grace alone. It is a free gift from God, and we could never earn it on our own. However, Scripture also teaches that justification is not just a legal declaration—it is a transformation of the soul.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8)
  • "For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love." (Galatians 5:6)

Salvation is entirely God’s initiative, but it isn’t passive. The grace we receive calls for a response. Catholics believe that justification isn’t just about being declared righteous—it’s about being made righteous (Romans 6:7, 1 Corinthians 6:11).

 Reflection: Do we see grace as merely a covering, or do we allow it to transform us from within?

2. Faith and Works: Why "Not by Faith Alone" Matters

For many Protestants, "faith alone" is a foundational belief. But Scripture itself says that justification is not by faith alone.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." (James 2:24)
  • "For we are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared in advance, that we should live in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

James doesn’t contradict Paul—he clarifies what faith actually is. Saving faith is never an intellectual belief alone—it is a living, active faith that expresses itself in love (Galatians 5:6).

 Challenge: If faith and works are not opposed, how can we ensure that our faith produces fruit in our daily lives?

3. The Role of Baptism in Justification

Many Protestants see justification as happening at the moment of belief, but Scripture shows that baptism is the beginning of the justified life.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." (Acts 2:38)
  • "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved." (Mark 16:16)
  • "He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit." (Titus 3:5)

Baptism is not just a symbol—it is the moment when we are born again by water and Spirit (John 3:5). That’s why the early Church baptized infants and why the Catholic Church continues to do so today.

 Reflection: Do we see baptism as just a sign, or as the moment Scripture says God washes away our sins?

4. Can Justification Be Lost? The Catholic View on Mortal Sin

Unlike "once saved, always saved" theology, Scripture teaches that we can fall away from grace through serious sin.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "You have been cut off from Christ, you who are trying to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace." (Galatians 5:4)
  • "For if we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins." (Hebrews 10:26)

Catholics believe that God’s grace is never revoked on His end—but we can reject it. However, just as God gives us free will to turn away, He always offers a way back through confession and repentance.

 Challenge: Have we treated grace as something permanent no matter how we live, or do we recognize the need for ongoing repentance?

5. Final Judgment: How Faith and Works Will Be Measured

Many assume final judgment is about whether we had faith, but Scripture repeatedly says we will be judged by our deeds.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "For the Son of Man will come with his angels in his Father’s glory, and then he will repay everyone according to his conduct." (Matthew 16:27)
  • "And the dead were judged according to their deeds." (Revelation 20:12)
  • "For God will repay everyone according to his works." (Romans 2:6)

Faith brings us into relationship with Christ, but how we live that faith matters.

 Reflection: If we stood before Christ today, what would our lives reveal about our faith?

You Don't Have to Live in Fear

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Catholic view of justification is that it leads to fear—fear of losing salvation, fear of not "doing enough," fear of failing God. But that is not what the Church teaches, and it is certainly not what God desires for us.

Jesus did not come to burden us with anxiety—He came to set us free.

 What Scripture Says:

  • "There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear." (1 John 4:18)
  • "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
  • "For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control." (2 Timothy 1:7)

Justification is not about walking on eggshells, afraid that one wrong move will condemn us. It’s about living in confidence, knowing that God’s grace is always present and available. Yes, we are called to live out our faith—but that’s not a burden, it’s a gift. We don’t do good works to "stay saved"—we do them because God’s love changes us and we want to reflect that love in everything we do.

Think of it this way: A child does not fear being thrown out of the family for making mistakes. But a child who loves their father wants to stay close to him. That’s how we live our faith—not in fear of punishment, but in love for the One who first loved us.

 Reflection: Are we living in fear, or are we resting in God’s love and allowing it to shape our lives?

Final Thoughts: The Beauty of Catholic Justification

Justification is not about fear or legalism—it is about a grace-filled life, fully lived in Christ.

  • We are saved by grace alone.
  • Faith must be lived out through love and good works.
  • Baptism is the moment of justification, not just a symbol.
  • Sin can separate us from God, but repentance restores us.
  • Final judgment is based on faithfulness, not just belief.

 Challenge: How can we live more fully in the grace Christ offers?

 Want to dive deeper? Follow Converting to Hope for more!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Why Do People Convert to Catholicism? The Most Common Reasons (and Misconceptions)

Every year, thousands of people make the journey into the Catholic Church. Some come from other Christian denominations, others from entirely secular or non-religious backgrounds. But why? What draws people to Catholicism in an age when many are leaving organized religion?

Let’s explore the most common reasons why people convert to Catholicism—including my own family's journey—and dispel some of the biggest misconceptions along the way.

1. The Search for Truth

Many converts describe Catholicism as the answer to their search for objective truth. For me, my experience in Protestantism felt like a starving person reaching out for something they deeply needed—only to be fed wax fruit. My soul knew there was something more real out there. In a world of shifting beliefs and relativism, the Church’s consistent teachings provide an anchor.

  • What draws them? The depth of Church history, Apostolic Succession, and a faith that has remained doctrinally intact for over 2,000 years.
  • Misconception: Some think Catholic teachings are arbitrary “rules.” In reality, Catholic doctrine is built on logic, history, and biblical foundations.

2. The Eucharist: Christ’s Real Presence

For many, the belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the defining reason for conversion. For me, this was the most compelling reason—if the Eucharist is truly Christ’s gift of Himself to us, then participating in it is the most important thing in life.

  • What draws them? The idea that Jesus is physically present in the Eucharist, just as He promised in John 6.
  • Misconception: Some assume Catholics “re-sacrifice” Jesus at every Mass. In truth, the Mass is a re-presentation of the one sacrifice of Christ, not a new one.

3. The Authority of the Church and the Witness of Early Church Fathers

Many converts find that Protestantism’s wide range of interpretations left them feeling lost. They seek a Church with authority to teach truth—not just personal opinions on Scripture. For my husband, the witness of the disciples of the disciples was deeply compelling. As he studied the writings of the Early Church Fathers, he realized that the Catholic Church had the strongest claim to authority.

  • What draws them? The Church’s claim to be the original Church founded by Christ, with authority given to Peter and the Apostles.
  • Misconception: Some think Catholic doctrine is based on human inventions rather than biblical truth. In reality, Catholic teachings are deeply rooted in Scripture and Tradition.

4. The Beauty of Catholic Worship

We initially thought this would be a problem for us. All the liturgy and tradition seemed like "the traditions of men." As we experienced it, it came to life for us—not a puffed-up set of gatekeeping rituals, but rather a rich reminder of the most important aspects of our faith that we can participate in every day if we choose to.

  • What draws them? The reverence of the Mass, the beauty of Gregorian chant, the depth of traditional devotions.
  • Misconception: Some believe Catholic worship is “too rigid” or lacking in personal expression. In truth, the liturgy provides a deeply meaningful, communal form of worship centered on Christ.

5. The Communion of Saints

This was the hardest part of conversion for us. We had received so much teaching that this was somehow evil. We were so intent on avoiding "worshiping" Saints, Mary, and Angels. When we found out the realities of what Catholics really do, we found this to be a help to us, not a stumbling block. Many converts are drawn to the Catholic understanding of the Communion of Saints—the idea that the faithful on earth, in purgatory, and in heaven are spiritually connected.

  • What draws them? The ability to ask saints for intercession, knowing they are alive in Christ.
  • Misconception: Some think Catholics “worship” saints. The truth is that Catholics honor saints and ask for their prayers, just as we ask friends and family to pray for us.

6. A Deeper Understanding of Suffering

Many who have faced suffering find meaning in the Catholic teaching of redemptive suffering—uniting one’s struggles with Christ’s. As a chronic illness sufferer, this was compelling for me. My pain wasn't wasted. I could use it to help others.

  • What draws them? The idea that suffering, when offered to God, has deep spiritual value.
  • Misconception: Some think Catholics “glorify” suffering. In reality, Catholic teaching emphasizes offering pain to God, not seeking it out unnecessarily.

7. The Call to Holiness

Catholicism offers a clear roadmap for growing in holiness through the sacraments, prayer, and virtue. My husband really resonated with this. He was seeing so much political drift in the churches we attended. People were forsaking the clear moral teachings of the Bible to follow their political parties on both sides of the aisle.

  • What draws them? The sacramental life, confession, and the wisdom of saints as models of holiness.
  • Misconception: Some assume Catholicism is just about following rules. In truth, it’s about growing in love for God and neighbor.

Final Thoughts: Conversion is a Calling

People don’t convert to Catholicism lightly—it’s often a journey of intense study, prayer, and personal transformation. While each person’s path is unique, the reasons above are some of the most common motivations for entering the Church.

If you’re considering conversion, take your time, ask questions, and let God lead the way. He calls each of us in His perfect timing.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Understanding Jesus’ Cry on the Cross: “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

As Jesus hung on the cross, he uttered a profound expression of anguish: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). This poignant cry has been the subject of extensive theological reflection, as it encapsulates the depth of Jesus' suffering and its significance in the context of Scripture.

Connection to Psalm 22

Jesus' words directly echo the opening of Psalm 22:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Psalm 22:1)

By invoking this psalm, Jesus aligns his personal agony with the lamentation and subsequent hope found within it. Psalm 22 begins with a profound sense of abandonment but transitions into a declaration of trust and deliverance, reflecting a journey from despair to faith.

Expressions of Human Suffering

Jesus' exclamation signifies his profound experience of human suffering and a sense of separation from God. This moment underscores the depth of his incarnation, illustrating that he fully embraced the human condition, including feelings of abandonment and distress. This perspective emphasizes that Jesus, in his humanity, experienced the depths of human anguish (

Theological Interpretations

Some theologians interpret this cry as a profound expression of Jesus bearing the weight of humanity's sins, experiencing the desolation that sin causes in one's relationship with God. This perspective highlights the sacrificial nature of Jesus' crucifixion, emphasizing that he endured the ultimate consequence of sin—separation from God—to reconcile humanity to the Father (

Affirmation of Prophetic Fulfillment

By quoting Psalm 22, Jesus not only expresses his anguish but also points to the fulfillment of prophetic scripture. The psalm details sufferings that mirror Jesus' crucifixion, such as being mocked and having his hands and feet pierced. This connection underscores that Jesus' suffering was in accordance with divine prophecy, reinforcing his messianic identity.

Pope Benedict XVI's Reflection

Pope Benedict XVI reflected on this passage, noting that Jesus' cry from the cross is an appeal to a seemingly distant God. He emphasized that this expression of abandonment is deeply connected to the human experience of feeling forsaken, yet it is also an act of profound trust in God's ultimate plan (


Jesus' cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” encapsulates the profound mystery of the crucifixion. It reflects his deep identification with human suffering, the fulfillment of prophetic scriptures, and the profound theological implications of his sacrificial death. This moment invites believers to contemplate the depth of Jesus' love and the mystery of redemption accomplished through his suffering.

Is It Wrong to Question God? What Scripture Says About Doubt

Experiencing doubt and questioning one's faith are common aspects of the human spiritual journey. Throughout the Bible, several figures express their uncertainties and seek understanding from God. These narratives offer insight into how questioning can coexist with faith.

Biblical Instances of Questioning God

  • Job’s Lament: Job, a righteous man who faced immense suffering, openly questioned God’s justice and reasons for his afflictions. In Job 10:3, he asks, “Is it good for You that You should oppress, that You should despise the work of Your hands and smile on the counsel of the wicked?” Despite his profound anguish and questioning, Job’s story concludes with a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and his own limitations (Job 42:1-6).

  • Habakkuk’s Inquiry: The prophet Habakkuk challenged God’s plan to use the Babylonians to punish Judah, struggling to reconcile this with God’s nature. In Habakkuk 1:13, he expresses, “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing. Why then do you tolerate the treacherous?” This dialogue illustrates that seeking clarity from God is a part of faith (Habakkuk 2:1-4).

  • Thomas the Apostle’s Doubt: After the resurrection, Thomas refused to believe until he saw Christ’s wounds himself. In John 20:25, he says, “Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.” Instead of condemning Thomas, Jesus invites him to touch His wounds, affirming that faith can grow through honest questioning (John 20:27-29).

Catholic Teachings on Doubt

The Catholic Church acknowledges that doubt can be a natural part of faith development. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2088-2089) distinguishes between:

  • Involuntary Doubt – Hesitation in believing or difficulty in overcoming objections related to the faith. This can lead to spiritual growth when explored with sincerity.
  • Voluntary Doubt – Willfully disregarding or rejecting what God has revealed and what the Church teaches. This can lead one away from faith.

Rather than rejecting those who doubt, the Church encourages engagement with Scripture, prayer, and theological study to seek clarity (CCC 158).

Embracing Questions as a Path to Deeper Faith

Questioning, when approached with humility and a genuine desire for understanding, can lead to a more profound and resilient faith. The Bible encourages believers to seek wisdom and understanding:

  • James 1:5“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
  • Mark 9:24 – The father of a possessed boy cries out, “I believe; help my unbelief!” showing that doubt and faith can coexist.
  • Matthew 7:7“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Engaging with doubts through prayer, study, and community discussion can strengthen one’s relationship with God.


Questioning God is not inherently wrong; it reflects a dynamic and seeking faith. Scriptural examples and Catholic teachings suggest that doubt, when navigated thoughtfully, can lead to spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of one's beliefs. Embracing questions as part of the faith journey allows individuals to develop a more authentic and robust relationship with the divine.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Why Catholics Need Popes (Even When Some of Them Were a Hot Mess)


For Catholics, the pope isn’t just a religious figure—he’s a symbol of unity, a successor to St. Peter, and a spiritual anchor for the whole Church. But let’s be honest: history hasn’t exactly handed us a spotless lineup of saintly popes. Some were profoundly holy; others were… well, let’s just say they made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

So why does the Church even need a pope? And how do we reconcile the need for papal authority with the reality of deeply flawed men sometimes occupying the chair of St. Peter?

It Starts With Scripture

The concept of a pope isn’t some later invention—it’s rooted directly in the words of Christ. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus says to Peter:

"You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

That’s a transfer of authority—not just to Peter as a man, but to the office Peter holds. This is why Catholics see the pope not as a king or a celebrity priest, but as the keeper of the keys, entrusted with guarding and passing on the faith.

This authority is further confirmed in John 21:15-17, when Jesus tells Peter:

"Feed my lambs… Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep."

Peter is given the responsibility of shepherding the entire flock—which is why every pope after him takes on that same role.

Unity Requires a Visible Anchor

If you’ve ever seen what happens in churches without a central authority, you know why this matters. Human beings love to split hairs, and pretty soon, those hairs turn into full-blown divisions. The pope exists as a visible point of unity, the one who can say, “This is what the Church teaches, and this is not.”

That doesn’t mean every personal opinion a pope has is infallible (more on that in a second). But it does mean that when the pope teaches officially on faith and morals, he has the protection of the Holy Spirit to keep the Church from falling into error.

What About the Bad Popes?

Here’s where things get messy—because history doesn’t lie. There have been some truly awful popes:

  • Pope Alexander VI (famous for his lavish corruption and scandalous personal life)
  • Pope Benedict IX (literally sold the papacy—twice)
  • Pope Stephen VI (held a posthumous trial for his predecessor, exhuming the corpse to stand trial)

The Church doesn’t deny these stories—but here’s the key: a pope’s personal sins don’t undo the authority of the office itself. The pope is the successor of Peter not because he’s the holiest man alive, but because the office exists to serve the Church, regardless of who temporarily holds it.

And the Good Popes?

For every corrupt pope, there are many who lived lives of extraordinary holiness and service:

  • Pope Gregory the Great (reformed Church governance, championed the poor)
  • Pope Leo the Great (defended the faith against heresy and literally stared down Attila the Hun)
  • Pope John Paul II (helped topple communism, championed human dignity, inspired generations of young Catholics)

The Office Is Bigger Than the Man

At the end of the day, Catholics don’t believe the pope is sinless—they believe that the Holy Spirit protects the office itself from officially teaching error on faith and morals. That’s infallibility in a nutshell: not a guarantee that the pope is always wise, kind, or good, but a divine safeguard that ensures the Church stays anchored to truth.

TL;DR: Catholics need a pope because Christ established the role to guard the faith and unify the Church. Some popes lived that calling heroically; others spectacularly failed. But the office itself—the rock Christ promised—stands firm.

Because the Church isn’t built on Peter’s perfection. It’s built on God’s promise.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Lent: Its Origins, Meaning, and Purpose

My family are prospective converts, and this year marks our first full Lent season. We experienced the tail end of Lent last year, but we weren’t prepared—and that left us with a lot of questions. As we started learning, we realized that even lifelong Catholics sometimes struggle to understand the deeper meaning of Lent.

For many Catholics, Lent arrives like a familiar visitor—forty days of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. But how much do we really know about why we observe Lent, where it came from, and what the Church hopes we discover during this season? Let’s dig deep into the roots of Lent, tracing its origins and uncovering the heart behind the tradition.

Where Did Lent Come From?

Lent’s origins reach back to the very beginnings of the Church. In the earliest centuries, Christians observed a period of fasting and preparation before Easter. This practice was closely tied to catechumens—new converts preparing for baptism—and to penitents seeking reconciliation with the Church.

By the fourth century, the Church had formalized a forty-day period of fasting, mirroring the forty days Christ spent fasting in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11). This connection to Jesus’ time of trial emphasizes that Lent is not just about self-denial—it’s about joining Jesus in His journey toward the Cross.

What Is Lent, Really?

At its core, Lent is a season of conversion—a time to turn our hearts back toward God in a deeper and more intentional way. Through fasting, prayer, and almsgiving, we clear away distractions, allowing God to work more fully within us.

  • Fasting reminds us that our physical desires do not rule us.
  • Prayer deepens our relationship with God.
  • Almsgiving redirects our focus from ourselves to others, especially those in need.

Lent is not a spiritual fitness challenge where we prove our strength—it’s a season where we let God reshape us, body and soul.

Why Forty Days?

The number forty is deeply symbolic in Scripture:

  • Noah endured forty days of rain before the floodwaters receded (Genesis 7:12).
  • Moses spent forty days on Mount Sinai receiving the Law (Exodus 24:18).
  • The Israelites wandered for forty years in the desert (Numbers 14:33-34).
  • Jesus fasted for forty days before beginning His public ministry (Matthew 4:2).

In each case, the number forty marks a period of transformation—a time when God prepares His people for something new. Lent is our forty-day journey of spiritual transformation, leading us to the new life of Easter.

More Than Rules: The Heart of Lent

It’s easy to think of Lent as a checklist: No meat on Fridays. Give something up. Add a little extra prayer time. But the real purpose of Lent is to open our hearts to God in a way that changes us. It’s less about perfection and more about presence—learning to recognize God’s voice and respond with love.

The traditional pillars of Lent (prayer, fasting, and almsgiving) are meant to help us clear away the noise, not just to “follow rules.” If we fast from sweets but feed our hearts with bitterness, we’ve missed the point. If we pray more but refuse to listen, we’ve only filled silence with noise.

Lent as Invitation

Ultimately, Lent is an invitation—a call to step away from the ordinary and enter into the extraordinary work God wants to do in us. It’s a season to remember that God’s love is the foundation of our lives, and that everything we do flows from that love.

Lent isn’t just about what we give up; it’s about what we make room for.

Here are a few devotional points to consider this Lent. If you'd like, you can focus on one of these questions each week in Lent:

  • What areas of my life have become too noisy for me to hear God’s voice?
  • Is my fasting drawing me closer to God, or just making me cranky?
  • When I pray, do I pause to listen—or am I filling the silence with my own words?
  • How can I practice generosity in a way that reflects God’s mercy to me?
  • What do I want to carry with me from this Lent into the rest of the year?

Final Thought

Whether you’ve observed Lent faithfully for years or you’re coming back to it after a long absence, this season is a gift. It’s not about getting everything right—it’s about showing up and letting God meet you where you are.

This Lent, may we all discover that the heart of Lent is not punishment—it’s love.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Welcome to Converting to Hope: A Gentle Invitation to Taste and See


Who We Are and Why This Blog Exists

Welcome to Converting to Hope, a blog born from a very real, very personal journey—one my husband, my son, and I are walking together right now. As I write this, we are in OCIA classes, preparing to receive Confirmation this Easter. Every week, we sit with our classmates, ask our questions, wrestle with what we’re learning, and discover new depths to our faith. And as we walk this path, we realized something important: this journey isn’t just about converting to Catholicism—it’s about converting to hope itself.

For us, and for so many others, faith isn’t a single moment of conversion. It’s an ongoing process of discovering that God is better than we dared hope—more merciful, more present, more loving. That’s the spirit behind this blog. Whether you’re exploring Catholicism for the first time, returning after years away, or simply curious, this is your invitation to taste and see.

What You’ll Find Here

1. Honest Reflections from Real Converts

This blog isn’t written by lifelong Catholics who have it all figured out. It’s written by people who came to the Church with questions, doubts, and a longing for something deeper. You’ll find personal stories, honest struggles, and the kind of reflections that only come from standing at the threshold and choosing to step inside.

2. Clear Explanations for Curious Hearts

If you’re anything like us, you probably have a long list of questions: Why do Catholics honor Mary? What actually happens at Mass? What’s the deal with confession? We’ll break down these topics in ways that are theologically sound but gently explained, always with room for real human wonder and curiosity.

3. Scripture and Tradition Together

One of the most beautiful things we’ve discovered in OCIA is how deeply Scripture and Tradition are woven together in the Catholic Church. The Bible isn’t just a historical document or a standalone manual—it lives and breathes inside the life of the Church. We’ll explore both Scripture and Tradition here, showing how they illuminate each other.

4. Encouragement for the Wounded and Weary

Faith is meant to be a place of refuge, but for many of us, it hasn’t always felt that way. If you’ve been hurt by religious people, disappointed by unanswered prayers, or simply worn down by life, you’re not alone. We’re building this blog to be a gentle, welcoming space, where hope is rekindled one small spark at a time.

Why "Converting to Hope"?

When we first started OCIA, we thought this process would be about learning rules and doctrines. And sure, there’s some of that. But what we’ve really found is hope—hope in God’s mercy, hope in the Church’s wisdom, hope in the sheer goodness of being invited to the table. That’s what we want to offer you here—not arguments or pressure, but an invitation to hope.

What This Blog Offers

This blog is designed to help anyone searching for:

  • What is OCIA?
  • How to convert to Catholicism
  • What do Catholics believe about Mary?
  • What happens at Confirmation?
  • Catholicism for beginners
  • Stories from Catholic converts
  • Understanding Catholic tradition and scripture
  • Faith after doubt
  • Healing from spiritual wounds

If you’ve ever typed one of those into Google, this blog is for you.

What We’ve Learned So Far

Here are a few truths this process has already taught us—truths that shape everything we write here:

  • Catholicism is deeply biblical. Everything from the Mass to Marian devotion is woven through with Scripture.
  • The Church makes space for questions. We didn’t have to fake certainty to belong. We could ask, wrestle, and grow.
  • Tradition isn’t a burden—it’s a gift. Far from being outdated rules, Tradition holds the wisdom of centuries, grounding us when personal faith feels shaky.
  • Community matters. We are not meant to do this alone. OCIA introduced us to fellow seekers, each with their own story, and that community has become a lifeline.

Our Promise to You

We don’t claim to have all the answers—but we promise to share what we learn honestly, humbly, and with hope. We promise to write with the same spirit we’ve experienced in the best moments of OCIA—a spirit of welcome, curiosity, and trust that God is already at work in your life, whether you see it yet or not.

Taste and See

Psalm 34:8 says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good." That’s the heart of this blog—an open invitation to taste the beauty of Catholic faith and see what hope feels like when it has roots. Whether you’re thinking about conversion, just exploring, or returning after time away, you are welcome here.

Let’s Walk This Road Together

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you belong here. Whether you’re certain, curious, or hesitant, this space was created with you in mind. Welcome to Converting to Hope—a place to ask, learn, wonder, and rest in the quiet confidence that hope has a home here.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

What to Do When You Love Jesus, But You Struggle with the Church

 I need you to know this right up front: you’re not the only one who loves Jesus but feels conflicted about the Church. If that’s where you are right now, I want you to know that your love for God is real—and your struggles are, too.

Maybe you’ve been hurt by someone inside the Church. Maybe you’ve seen hypocrisy up close. Or maybe you just feel like you’ll never fit the mold of what a “good Catholic” is supposed to be. Whatever your reason, I want you to know this: Jesus isn’t scared off by your questions. And neither am I.

The Church is a Hospital, Not a Hall of Fame

It’s a cliché because it’s true—the Church is made up of broken people, and sometimes broken people hurt others. That doesn’t make the hurt okay. It does mean the Church’s holiness doesn’t come from us—it comes from Jesus.

There’s a lot of beauty in Catholicism, but there’s also a lot of mess. If you’re wrestling with that mess, it doesn’t mean your faith is weak. It means you care.

Loving Jesus Doesn’t Require Denying Your Pain

You don’t have to pretend everything is fine to stay in the Church. Real love makes space for honesty.

You can sit with Jesus in the quiet of Adoration and say, “I love You, but I’m angry at what I’ve seen.” You can say, “I believe in You, but I feel lost in Your Church.” Those prayers count.

Remember Who Called You First

Before you knew doctrine or memorized prayers, Jesus called you by name. Your relationship with Him started before you ever stepped inside a parish—and it’s not dependent on anyone else’s perfection.

Even if priests fail you. Even if fellow Catholics judge you. Your love story with Jesus stands.

Faith is a Relationship, Not a Report Card

You’re not graded on how seamlessly you fit into Church culture. Your faith is not a performance. It’s a relationship—sometimes beautiful, sometimes messy—and you’re allowed to show up just as you are.

If You Need Space, Take It—But Stay in the Conversation

Sometimes healing requires stepping back. That doesn’t make you a bad Catholic. Take the time you need—but stay in conversation with God while you’re sorting it out.

That might mean praying at home for a season. Or going to Mass but skipping the after-Mass donuts. Or reading Scripture instead of arguing online.

Find the Good

Even when the Church’s human side disappoints you, the treasures of the faith remain. The Eucharist. The sacraments. The Communion of Saints. The sheer mystery of God drawing near in ways we can touch.

If you can, find one piece of beauty to hold onto while you heal.

You’re Not Alone

I promise you, countless Catholics are walking this same road—learning how to love Jesus inside a Church that sometimes breaks their hearts.

I’m not here to sugarcoat anything. But I am here to say: you belong, even if you’re struggling. Your love for Jesus is real. Your hurt is real. And there’s room for all of it here.

Want honest conversations about faith that make space for both love and struggle? Follow Converting to Hope for more real talk about walking with God—questions, doubts, and all.

What If You’re Curious About God, But Afraid to Walk Into a Church?

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering about God but immediately felt overwhelmed by the idea of actually stepping into a church, you’re not alone. For a lot of people, churches feel like exclusive clubs where everyone already knows the rules—and you’re the outsider who doesn’t belong.

But I want you to know: God doesn’t live inside a rulebook. He meets you exactly where you are—curious, uncertain, skeptical, awkward—and invites you to simply start the conversation.

Where to Begin (No Pressure Required)

You don’t need perfect words or perfect faith to begin talking to God. All you need is a little curiosity and a willingness to be honest.

If the idea of formal prayer feels intimidating, start like this:

  • “God, if you’re real, help me understand.”

  • “I’m not sure I believe, but I’d like to know you.”

  • “I’m tired and lost. If you’re listening, please meet me here.”

That’s it. That’s prayer.

God Works Outside Church Walls

The Church is a beautiful gift—but it’s not a prerequisite for meeting God. People have found Him in:

  • Quiet walks at sunrise

  • Messy kitchens while doing dishes

  • The first deep breath after a hard cry

  • Late-night drives with the radio off

God is always reaching toward you, even when you aren’t sure how to reach back.

If You Ever Want to Visit a Church…

If curiosity ever tugs you toward stepping inside a Catholic church, here’s what to know:

  • You can come in just to sit. No one will quiz you.

  • Mass is public prayer. You don’t have to understand every word to be welcome.

  • You’re allowed to feel awkward. Even lifelong Catholics feel awkward sometimes.

You Don’t Have to Rush

I’ve seen some people have a sudden moment of faith where everything clicks. Others take years of gentle wondering before they feel ready to reach for God. Both ways are holy—and I want you to know, your way is holy too.

God is patient. You can take your time.

Taste and See

At the heart of everything—beyond the traditions, the sacraments, the beautiful buildings—is an invitation: Taste and see that the Lord is good.

No pressure. No prerequisites. Just curiosity and a simple conversation.

If you’ve ever felt that quiet tug toward God, maybe today is your day to open the door just a crack and see what happens.

Curious about more? Follow Converting to Hope for honest conversations about faith, doubts, and the simple beauty of discovering God at your own pace.

Welcome to Converting to Hope: A Gentle Invitation to Taste and See

  Who We Are and Why This Blog Exists Welcome to Converting to Hope, a blog born from a very real, very personal journey—one my husband, my ...