Holiness, Hustle, and Loving the World Around You
Saints aren’t just ancient history. New modern Saints are constantly entering the canon of recognition, and millions more have passed to Heaven unrecognized. This is a story about one more recent Saint who left his mark on society around him: John Bosco.
Saint John Bosco lived in a loud, messy, modern world — and he shows us that holiness isn’t about escaping life. It’s about showing up for it.
What Makes Him Modern?
Bosco didn’t retreat — he leaned into the chaos.
In the times he lived, not so very long ago, homeless children, particularly young men were left on the streets, offered very little hope of anything other than a life of crime and early death.
For Bosco, it was unacceptable to witness this suffering and do nothing. He taught poor kids useful trades. He fed them when they were hungry. He loved them first — and preached second. Over time of faithful care for these young men, he witnessed miraculous rescues and changed lives. The impact of the simple acts of his love.
In a performance-obsessed world, John Bosco shows us that showing up is itself a kind of holiness.
What We Learn from Him Today
You don’t need a monastery or a microphone to be holy.
Holiness lives in:
- Showing up for your neighbor
- Teaching a skill to someone who needs it
- Believing in someone no one else sees
That’s how John Bosco lived. And that’s holiness we all can reach.
Saint John Bosco, pray for us — and teach us to love the world like you did.
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